Subscription Management

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Quick Overview | How it Works

1. The MediaWire subscription system is broken up into 2 parts; Users & Purchases.

    - Users: When a reader fills in the registration form, a "User" account is created for them with all of the information they entered such First Name, Last Name, Phone...etc.

    - Purchases: Whenever a User makes a purchase, for example a 12 month subscription, the purchase is tied to this user and they are granted access.

 The subscription system is broken down this way in order to separate user information from purchases since a user can have multiple purchases. To Manage your subscribers you must first navigate to the "Manage Subscriber" [1] section of your account.

User Management

2. You will find yourself in the "User" [1] management area by default. You can switch to view your subscribers by clicking the "Purchases" tab [2].

3. You can search for a user by entering their email [3] and clicking "search".

4. To add a user manually, click the "Add User" button [4], this will take you to the "Add User" screen.

5. To import users using a .csv file simply click the "Import User" button [5], this will prompt you to search your computer for your .csv file.

Add User

** Users you add will use their email address used as their username and the default password of "mediawire". The first time a user goes to log in they will have to click the "Forgot Password?" [1] text and enter their email in the password reset field which will send them an email with a password reset link. **

6. You can always switch between viewing your users and their purchases by clicking the "Users" [1] and "Purchases" tab [2].

7. To add a user simply fill in the fields. Once everything is filled in click "Add User" [5] to create the user or click "Back" [4] to go back to the User Management area.

Import Users

** After you import your users and their purchases, an email will be sent to them explaining that their account has been set up along with a link to set their password. **

8. You can Import Users using a .csv file which should be formatted with the following column headings (the order of the columns does not matter)

[1] FirstName
[2] LastName
[3] Email

Once you have selected your .csv file the information about your users will be displayed, to import simply click the "import" button. If there are any errors the error information will be displayed in the info column [1] next to the entry which has the error.

You can store the following information for your users, here is the complete list of column headings:


Purchases Management

9. From the "Purchases" tab you will be able to click "search" [2] without entering anything in order to view all of your users' subscriptions & purchases or you can narrow it down by selecting dropdown items and date ranges.

10. To add a purchase for a user manually, click the "Add Purchase" button [3], this will take you to the "Add Purchase" screen.

11. To import subscriptions using a .csv file simply click the "Import Purchase" button [4], this will prompt you to search your computer for your .csv file.

12. You can delete a purchase or subscription by clicking the "X" [6] located to the right of the subscription in question. You can edit a purchase or subscription by clicking the pencil icon [5], this will bring up another screen with that purchase or subscription's information so that you can easily modify it.

Add Purchase

*** The MediaWire subscription system works like a print subscription would, meaning when you add a subscription to a user, they will have access to all of the issues that were published while their subscription was active. This also works for past subscriptions, meaning that if I have 4 years of archived issues, I can add a 12 month subscription to a user and have the subscription start date be January 1st 2014. This would grant access for said user to all archived issues that were published between January 1st 2014 and January 1st 2015. ***

13. You can manually add a purchase by selecting which title the purchase will be for [1], the date the purchase was done [2] and the user's email address [3] to whom you wish to add this purchase to. Based on your choice of "Type of Purchase" [4] you will be presented with another option. If you are adding a "Paid Subscription" then you will have to indicate how many months this subscription is good for. If you are adding a "Single Purchase", you will need to select which issue this purchase is for. Finally if you have a title set up as "Free Subscription" and wish to add a free subscription to a user, there will be no other option since free subscriptions do not expire.

Edit Purchase

14. When you click the pencil icon next to a subscription you will be taken to this screen and the subscription information will be populated in the fields. Simply modify the information you wish to change and click the "Edit" button to apply the changes or the "Back" button to cancel.

Import Purchases

** After you import your users and their purchases, an email will be sent to them explaining that their account has been set up along with a link to set their password. **

15. You can Import Subscribers using a .csv file which should be formatted with the following column headings (the order of the columns does not matter)

[1] UserId [user's email address]
[2] DateFrom [yy-mm-dd]
[3] DateTo [yy-mm-dd]

Once you have selected your .csv file the information about your subscriptions will be displayed, to import simply select the title you wish to apply these subscriptions to [1] and click the "confirm" button. If there are any errors the error information will be displayed in the info column [2] next to the entry which has the error.