Email Notifications

1. If you would like your users to be notified via email when you publish a new issue you must first turn this option on by navigating to your "My Account" page and clicking the toggle [1].

2. Before the system enables this option it will ask you to agree to be charged $.01 per email sent, you must agree to these terms [1] in order to use this feature.
*** If you are moderating multiple publishers, this option will have to be toggled on for each publisher. ***

3. Now that this feature is enabled, everytime you publish an issue by clicking the "Publish" button [1] your users will receive an email informing them of the newly published issue.
*** Keep in mind that if you un-publish and re-publish an issue, your users will receive another email and you will be charged. ***

4. Here is an example of what the email looks like:

5. To view your statistics on the emails sent you can navigate to the "Email Reports" page [1]. While viewing the "Email Reports" page you can change the date range for the statistics [2]. You will see the total number of emails sent at the bottom of the page for the current date range [3], this is the amount you will be charged for.